
October 10th - 14th, 2022


Outstanding speakers





About the Event

2022 has so far been a tumultuous year; emerging from the pandemic has brought its own challenges as well as new ones in the shape of the fuel crisis, the cost of living and more.

With this in mind, the QNI aims to deliver a conference that is full of hope and inspiration, practical updates and thought-provoking sessions.

The theme this year is, ‘Inspired, Intrepid, Indispensable – Creating a Supported Community Nursing Workforce’ and it will feature a huge range of exciting and uplifting speakers to help you return to your workplace feeling energised and connected.


13th October

October 13, 2022 05:00 pm

5.00pm - 9.00pm - ‘Integrated’


4.55pm           Join via Zoom


5.00pm           Chair’s Welcome

                       Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, QN, RN, RHV, Chief Executive, The QNI


5.05pm           Gold sponsor: Civica Scheduling

                        How visibility of community services data is transforming care delivery in Wales

                         Tracey Boka, Professional Nurse Advocate, District Nursing, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

                         Jane Roberts, Head of Nursing, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board


5.45pm           A Conversation with the Chief Nurses of the UK

                        Dame Ruth May RN, FQNI, Chief Nursing Officer, England, NHS England and NHS Improvement

                        Professor Deborah Sturdy OBE, RN, FRCN, FQNI, Chief Nurse Adult Social Care, Department of Health and Social Care

                        Maria McIlgorm, RN, Chief Nursing Officer, Northern Ireland

                        Professor Alex McMahon, RMN, RGN, Chief Nursing Officer, Scotland

                        Paul Labourne, RN , Nursing Officer for Primary & Community Care, Integration and Innovation Welsh Government


7.15pm           Break and meet our sponsors


7.35pm           Supporting the Development of Advanced Practice in the Community Panel Discussion

                         NMC Regulation of Advanced Practice

                         Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Executive, Nursing and Midwifery Council

                         Credentialing of Advanced Practice by the RCN

                         Helen Whyley, Director, RCN Wales

                         Accreditation by the HEE Centre for Advancing Practice – feedback on the success and application to community
                         nursing workforce

                         Beverley Harden, AHP Lead, Deputy CAHPO, NHS England

                         Advanced Clinical Practice in Community

                         Steph Lawrence MBE, QN, FQNI, Chief Nurse, Leeds CHCT

                         Advanced Clinical Practice for Mental Health Nurses

                         Professor Michael Brown, Director of Graduate Studies, Queen’s University, Belfast

                         Chair: Professor Brian Webster-Henderson, Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Cumbria


8.50pm           Closing Reflections

                         Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, QN, RN, RHV, Chief Executive, The QNI



Thank you to our sponsor:

14th October

October 14, 2022 09:30 am

9.30am - 10.35am - ‘Indispensable’


09.25am           Join via Zoom


09.30am           Chair’s Welcome

                         Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, QN, RN, RHV, Chief Executive, The QNI


09.35am           Staff Wellbeing in the Pandemic – a Chief Executive’s Perspective

                         Rob Webster CBE, Chief Executive, West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, QNI Fellow


10.35am           Break and meet our sponsors

October 14, 2022 10:50 am

10.55am - Concurrent sessions

Homeless and Inclusion Health Network
Kendra Schneller, QN, Homeless and Inclusion Health Network Lead

Community Children’s Nurse Network
Rebecca Daniels, QN, Community Children’s Nursing Network Lead

Long Covid Nurse Expert Network
Eve Thrupp, QN, Long Covid Network Lead

Care Home Nurse Network
Caron Sanders-Crook, QN, Co-chair of Care Home Nurse Network

Infection Prevention Control (IPC) Champions Network
Charlotte Fry, QN, IPC Champion Network Lead

The QNI and General Practice Nursing
Angie Hack, QN, AAGPNE Network Lead

Lisa Clarke, Co-Chair of the AAGPNE

October 14, 2022 11:40 am

11.45am - 12.45am - ‘Indispensable’

11.45am           Reflecting on the Life and Legacy of Mary Seacole

                         Kayla Meikle, lead actor in the play ‘Marys Seacole’, is interviewed by

                         Dame Elizabeth Anionwu, QNI Vice President and Patron of the Mary Seacole Trust


12.45pm           Closing Reflections

                         Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, QN, RN, RHV, Chief Executive, The QNI

10th October

October 10, 2022 12:00 pm

12pm - 1.45pm - ‘Intrepid’- World Mental Health Day


11.55am           Join via Zoom


12.00pm           Chair’s Welcome

                          Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, QN, RN, RHV, Chief Executive, The QNI


                           Gold Sponsor Session: TEVA Life Effects

12.05pm             Introduction:

                            Catherine Griffiths, Integrated Healthcare Manager


12.10pm           Teva and Future Healthcare* (*presentation may contain promotional information)


12.25pm           Life Effects...A Patient’s Perspective: Meet Claire Eastham, Patient contributor


12.40pm           Q&A and Close


12.45pm           Resilience in a Challenging Environment

                          Kenton Cool, World-leading Mountaineer, Adventurer, Speaker


1.45pm           Break and meet our sponsors


October 10, 2022 03:00 pm

3.00pm - 4.30pm - 'Intrepid' - World Mental Health Day

3.00pm           Healthcare Starts at Home: Prioritising the Frontline

                        George Plumptre, Chief Executive of National Garden Scheme

                        Maritess Murdoch, Nurse Educator, NCL Training Hub, Elsie Wagg Project Lead


3.50pm           Supporting the Mental Health and Development of the Nursing Workforce

                        Dr Emma Wadey, PhD, RN, Deputy Director, Mental Health Nursing, NHS England


4.30pm           Closing Reflections

                       Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, QN, RN, RHV, Chief Executive, The QNI



Thank you to our sponsor:

11th October

October 11, 2022 09:30 am

9.30am - 11.15am - ‘Inspired’- Research and Innovation

Ahmed - vFairs


9.25am           Join via Zoom


9.30am           Chair’s Welcome

                         Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, QN, RN, RHV, Chief Executive, The QNI


9.35am           Gold Sponsor: L&R Medical

                        Workforce and Clinical Transformation Through Partnership Working

                         Laura Hallas Hoyes, Lead Tissue Viability Nurse, South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust 


10.15am           Researching the Nursing Workforce - the Work of the ICNO

                         Professor Alison Leary MBE, QNI Fellow and ICNO Director


11.15am           Break and meet our sponsors


October 11, 2022 11:30 am

11.35am - Concurrent sessions

Community Nurses as Expert Systems Leaders
Eve Thrupp, QN, Nursing Programmes Manager (Leadership), The QNI

Community Nurses as Innovators in Practice
Sue Boran, QN, Director of Nursing Programmes (Innovation), The QNI

Innovations in Digital Technology: Working at NHSE/NHS Digital as a Queen’s Nurse
Shonna Spreadbury QN, Clinical Systems Lead, EMIS Healthcare User Group Chair, Sirona Care & Health

Community Nursing Research Forum: researching better care
Dr Ben Bowers, QN, Community Nursing Research Consultant, The QNI

First Destination: Community Supporting Newly Qualified Nruses in Community Settings
Neema Young, Infection Prevention and Control Clinical Nurse Specialist, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT)

October 11, 2022 12:45 pm

12.15pm - 1.30pm - ‘Inspired’- Research and Innovation

12.15pm           Networking Opportunity: Inspiring Conversations


12.45pm           Embracing change and growing together: The National Community Nursing Plan – creating a supported community
                          nursing workforce

                         Sam Sherrington, RN, DN, QN, MSc, Head of Community Nursing, Founding Director of HE Cooperative and
                         Community Nurse Fellows: Kerry Bareham, Sarah Brownlow, Dr Neesha Oozageer Gunowa,
                         Margaret Khumalo, Sifiso Mguni, Lesley Mills, Caroline Ogunsola, Jacqui Scrace,
                         Charlotte Sumnall, Anthea Thorpe, Lee Tomlinson.
                         CNO Senior Clinical Nurse Fellows: Community Nursing: Jeanette Hogan, Wendy Newnham


1.30pm           Closing Reflections

                         Dr Crystal Oldman CBE, QN, RN, RHV, Chief Executive, The QNI



Thank you to our sponsor:

12th October

October 12, 2022 08:55 am

08.55am - 12.30pm - ‘Learning from Nurses Worldwide’


8.50am           Join via Zoom


8.55am           Chair’s Welcome

                       Professor John Unsworth OBE, QN, RN, DN,QNI Chair of Council, Professor of Nursing, Northumbria University


9.00am           The State of the World’s Nursing

                       Elizabeth Iro, Chief Nurse, World Health Organisation (WHO);

                       Howard Catton, Chief Executive, International Council of Nurses (ICN)


10.00am           Break and meet our sponsors


10.20am           Nurse Education in the Philippines

                         Professor Michael Dino, PhD, MAN, RN, LPT, Director of the Research Development and Innovation Center of
                         the Our Lady of Fatima University and President-Elect of the Phi Gamma Chapter of the Sigma Theta Tau International
                         Honor Society in Nursing


                         Supporting Filipino Nurses in the UK

                         Francis Fernando, MSc Adv HCP (OPEN), BSN, RN, NMP,
                         Associate Director of Nursing and Quality Waltham Forest Directorate


11.00am           Learning from the Recruitment of Internationally Educated Nurses in England

                          Esther Mwangi, QN, National Community Nursing International Recruitment Advisor, NHS England


11.40am           Break and meet our sponsors


11.45am           Opportunities for Nurses to Influence Policy in the Republic of Ireland

                         Karen Greene, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health, Ireland


12.30pm           Closing Reflections

                         Professor John Unsworth OBE, QN, RN, DN, QNI Chair of Council, Professor of Nursing, Northumbria University

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • attend conference
  • participate in interactive workshops
  • meet our exhibitors
  • meet your peers on one of our networking sessions
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Your login details will be emailed to you ahead of the event. You can use these details to access the online event.
The on-demand content will be hosted for 30 days following the event.